Angkor Wat

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

The main destination of Cambodia. Angkor Wat- the most famous monument of Angkor. Built in year 1113 to 1150.

Bas reliefs on the wall of the monument.

Beautiful carving on wall and entrance. More than 1500 of carving of female deities!

Artisans d'Angkor

A place where tourist will be brought to. A famous craft producer of stone and wood carving, silk weaving and souvenirs.

Khmer Food

Local delicacies

are still acceptable, at least it suits my taste buds and appetite. The "cat fish" and the Mango salad are the most common food in Cambodia. Most of the food are strong in "mint" leafy taste. Conclusion of the taste? I'd say is a fusion of Thai and Vietnam food. Chinese food were also easily found over here.

Crunchy Bugs Snacks
Dare to try?!

Tonle Sap, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Tonle Sap- Largest lake in South East Asia

The West Baray, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Khmer rulers (Cambodian old time king) built complex system of lakes and canals. the large reservoir - Barays, to collect drain water and water drained from the rivers.

The West Baray, fed by O Klok River. Built by Suryavarman I and completed by Udayadityavarman II about 1000 years ago, is 8km long and 2.2 km wide!

Right centre of the
Baray, lay the artificial island with a temple named The West Mebon.

Phom Bakheng, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Sun Set In Bakheng Hill

Fascinating sunset view at the highest point at Angkor area. The place was crowded with tourist who were busily finding good spot to catch the best shot of the sunset.

Cambodia 柬埔寨

Reap International Airport-

It was 14th Jan.Never expect the temperature here drops as low as 15 degree Celsius. Chilled breeze make us shivered upon arrival on Siem Reap.Without any hesitation, we 'shoot' towards the arrival hall to get rid of the cold weather. -- Moral of the story- study and ask the local weather before getting there!